Tips for Home Cooking During the Pandemic

Tips for Home Cooking During the Pandemic

DinnerDork [ ˈdi-nərˈdȯrk ] Let us do the hard work: Meal planning. Recipes. Grocery Lists. You: Enjoy Dinner. The covid-19 pandemic has us spending record time at home, and for many of us that means more time in the kitchen. Many people are reporting that spending...
Faux Grilling

Faux Grilling

DinnerDork [ ˈdi-nərˈdȯrk ] Let us do the hard work: Meal planning. Recipes. Grocery Lists. You: Enjoy Dinner. Fakin’ the smoke. Po’ smokin’. Ok, enough terms here, we’re talking about ways to achieve grill-like flavor without the grill. ...
Recipe: Goodbye Sunshine

Recipe: Goodbye Sunshine

DinnerDork [ ˈdi-nərˈdȯrk ] Let us do the hard work: Meal planning. Recipes. Grocery Lists. You: Enjoy Dinner. Today started out like most Mondays – with added complications. Days like this call for a good meal and a refreshing adult-beverage. I call this one...
Hello Summer! What’s Good?

Hello Summer! What’s Good?

DinnerDork [ ˈdi-nərˈdȯrk ] Let us do the hard work: Meal planning. Recipes. Grocery Lists. You: Enjoy Dinner. Is it me, or did Spring seem to blast by? I’m not even sure if we had a Spring. Spring can’t actually get cancelled, right? Oh well. Time for...
Garlic in a jar? Ssshh…we won’t tell the food snobs

Garlic in a jar? Ssshh…we won’t tell the food snobs

DinnerDork [ ˈdi-nərˈdȯrk ] Let us do the hard work: Meal planning. Recipes. Grocery Lists. You: Enjoy Dinner. I know fresh is always better, but would I notice much of a difference if I bought a container of pre-minced garlic? Loaded question, right? Reddit seems to...
How to Pick the Perfect Cantaloupe

How to Pick the Perfect Cantaloupe

DinnerDork [ ˈdi-nərˈdȯrk ] Summer, the season of healthy and delicious fruit, has officially started. You’ll find a host of fresh berries, melons and assorted fruits at your local grocer, providing a variety of options for breakfast, lunch, snack-time and...