DinnerDork [ ˈdi-nərˈdȯrk ]
Let us do the hard work: Meal planning. Recipes. Grocery Lists.
You: Enjoy Dinner.
The covid-19 pandemic has us spending record time at home, and for many of us that means more time in the kitchen. Many people are reporting that spending more time cooking at home has been a positive change:
- Boosting their mood
- Helping them to spend more time with family
- Helping them waste less food
- Improving their cooking skills and confidence
- Helping them spend less money on restaurants and take-out food, and
- Making it easier to know what they’re eating, and make wise food choices

These simple tips will help you enjoy cooking (and eating during the pandemic):

Meal planning
It’s a no-brainer that meal planning makes a huge difference when everyone is going in different directions, between work, school, errands, hobbies, and all that goes on in life. Spending more time at home doesn’t make it any less important. In fact, people who regularly work from home (and those who home school) often say it’s incredibly difficult to find time for domestic chores. Blurring the lines between home, work, and school often mean longer work hours, with less time to focus on household tasks. Whether you use a service like DinnerDork, where meal planning is done for you, or you set aside a few hours each week to create your own meal plans – following a meal plan will help you spend less time stressing about cooking, and more time enjoying what you eat.
Share the work
If the entire family is spending more time at home, there’s a wonderful opportunity for everyone to contribute something to the dinner effort. Consider dividing chores to make it a family affair:
- Prepping meat and vegetables is a great chore for teens and adults alike. With meals planned ahead of time, it’s easy to pitch-in by washing and cutting veggies, meat, etc.
- Setting the table, doing the dishes, and cleaning up afterwards are chores that most can help with – from the younger kids to parents and grandparents. Kids can have fun folding napkins, and helping to bring plates to the table. Playing music for a family dance-a-thon can make after dinner clean-up a real treat!

Schedule dinner time
Spending so much time at home can make it feel like the hours, days, and weeks are running together. Scheduling is great way to break up the monotony of the day-to-day, and gives us a set dinnertime to look forward to. Dinner becomes a deadline for completing business work, school work, and other activities that carried through the afternoon. And, for some, having a scheduled dinner cuts down on unwanted snacking between meals, making it easier to wait until dinnertime.
A word from some of our home cooks...
I love that DinnerDork changed our lives. No more grabbing random take-out, or trying to cook boring food. Now my husband and I look forward to cooking and eating together. We love it!
There’s a week full of dinner menus, and a shopping list that tells me exactly where to find each item in the store. The recipe instructions are easy to follow. I just log in and shop from the list on my phone, then log in and make dinner from the recipes each night.
The food is so good! I’ve tried so many foods and food pairings that I wouldn’t have tried on my own. I’m becoming the foodie I’ve always wanted to be, except that it’s so simple – all of the hard work is done for me.
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