DinnerDork [ \ˈdi-nər\\ˈdȯrk\ ] | Our time. Your table.

DinnerDork provides weekly meal plans, recipes,  customizable shopping lists and instruction that save you precious time and money. It’s all about the fusion of love for family, food and fun. Providing the tools and support you need to nourish your family with meals that are: delicious and wholesome, deliberate and seasonally appropriate, while minimizing the stress of planning, shopping, preparing and serving.


Meals | Easy, efficient and delicious

  • Meal plans: Delicious dinner menus, complete with recipes for every dinner
  • Recipes: Detailed ingredients, preparation, pairings and serving instructions
  • Full color pictures of each recipe

Guides | Affordable everyday and special occasions

  • Weekly grocery guide: Detailed, organized weekly shopping list of everything needed to make the current week recipes!
  • Pantry support: Tips and step-by-step instructions for saving time and money with your home pantry
Sample Shopping List | Pre-sorted to make shopping quick and easy. Shop from your smart phone or print. Customize for number for number of servings and custom-added menu items

Sample Shopping List | Pre-sorted to make shopping quick and easy. Shop from your smart phone or print. Customize for number for number of servings and custom-added menu items

Community | Save time and money

  • Searchable recipe and meal archives
  • Coupons
  • Giveaways
DinnerDork Members ALWAYS have access to all menus and recipes!

DinnerDork Members ALWAYS have access to all menus and recipes!

Choose the DinnerDork meal plan that fits your lifestyle and tastes, while always having access to meal plans and recipes from all of the DinnerDork meal plans.

Watch this video for a sneak-peak inside  of DinnerDork

[embedplusvideo height=”401″ width=”660″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1AW5Ci0″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/hV9vNDL2j_M?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=hV9vNDL2j_M&width=660&height=401&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6110″ /]

Click through the gallery below for information about the Traditional Tastes, Quick Cuisine, Vegetarian Delights, Light & Fit, Paleo Palette and World Flavors meal plans.


Join today!

[embedplusvideo height=”329″ width=”400″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/16c4YkC” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/SC3_ypnlp1w?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=SC3_ypnlp1w&width=400&height=329&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep3173″ /]

Join today!

DinnerDork is fully accessible via all computers, tablets or smart phone browsers. Many members also enjoy the DinnerDork app for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch; Android, Amazon and Windows devices.
