Welcome to DinnerDork

DinnerDork [ \ˈdi-nər\\ˈdȯrk\ ]

Proudly geeking out over the main meal of each day.


DinnerDork is the fusion of love for family, food and fun. Providing the tools and support you need to nourish your family with meals that are: delicious and wholesome, deliberate and seasonally appropriate, while removing the stress of planning, shopping, preparing and serving.

We deliver weekly meal plans, recipes, shopping lists and instructions that save you precious time.

DinnerDork members enjoy (click on a category for more details):


  1. BulletWeekly meal plans: 8 delicious dinner menus each week

  2. BulletDetailed step-by-step recipes: Ingredients, preparation and serving instructions

  3. BulletFull color pictures of every meal


  1. BulletWeekly grocery guide: Organized, detailed weekly shopping lists

  2. BulletHoliday entertaining guides: Themes, food and beverage menus, recipes, detailed step-by-step preparation instructions, shopping guides and decor guides.

  3. BulletDinner party guides: Themes, food and beverage menus, recipes, detailed step-by-step preparation instructions, shopping guides, decor guides and invitation templates.


  1. BulletAccess to member feedback and reviews

  2. BulletAccess to weekly coupon forums for savings on grocery items for each week


  1. BulletBonus emergency meal plan each week: Delicious homemade meals that are ready to serve in record time

  2. BulletBonus pantry support: Step-by-step instructions and tips for saving more money and time each week

  3. BulletBonus pairings: Wine pairing suggestions for each meal plan

DinnerDork [ \ˈdi-nər\\ˈdȯrk\ ] : Our time. Your table.

We promise to provide:

  1. BulletMeal plans that are easy, efficient and delicious, providing everyone from the novice to experienced homemakers with recipes that are fresh and deceptively simple to serve.

  2. BulletMeal plans that use ingredients that are affordable and easy to find.

  3. BulletMeal plans that allow you to save time and money by build your pantry and repertoire: No more wasted money on ingredients that you rarely use.

  4. BulletService that values you and your family: Prioritizing the importance of home-cooked meals and family time.

Join DinnerDork Today!

Gain access to meals, guides, giveaways, the community, bonuses and more!