Welcome to DinnerDork

DinnerDork [ \ˈdi-nər\\ˈdȯrk\ ]

Proudly geeking out over the main meal of each day.


Every DinnerDork meal plan consists of recipes for each main dish and side dish. Recipe cards can be viewed online, downloaded or printed.

Each recipe includes detailed step-by-step instructions, with at least one picture of every dish. They are accessible directly from the DinnerDork Members Community. Click here see a sample detail page looks like.

Our recipes include estimated preparation and cooking time, as well as wine pairings.

Our easy to use key has special notations for key recipe attributes:

  1. Bullet Kid-friendly recipes | This icon indicates steps that can be carried out by littles ones

  1. Bullet Quick recipes | This icon indicates recipes with less than 30 minutes prep or cook time

  1. Bullet Salad-friendly recipes | This icon indicates recipes that can be served over fresh greens, as a light, fresh alternative

Here’s a look at a sample DinnerDork recipe card. Click on the arrow on the top left to minimize the navigation bar.

DinnerDork [ \ˈdi-nər\\ˈdȯrk\ ] : Meals

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